Colors of India
Colors of IndiaColors of India
Vice Admiral RD Katari was the first Indian Navy Chief

First Indian Chief of Naval Staff

Vice Admiral RD Katari was the first Indian Chief of Naval Staff. He was Naval Chief from 22 April 1958 to 4 June 1962. Vice Admiral Katari had many other "firsts" to his credit. He had the unique triple distinction of being the first cadet to join the Training Ship Dufferin, when this institution was founded in 1927, to be first winner of the Viceroy's Gold Medal and to become the first Member representative Ex-Cadets on the Governing Body of the Dufferin.

Vice Admiral Katari was born in Chinglenut (near Madras) and spent his childhood and youth in Hyderabad. After completing his studies, he joined the Training Ship Dufferin and stood first in the entrance examination. After World War II, Vice Admiral Katari held important sea commands and was responsible for clearing the mines that had been laid near the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. He was promoted to the rank of Captain in December 1948. In 1954, he took over as the Deputy Chief of Naval Staff and was promoted to the rank of Commodore. In March 1956 he was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral. He was promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral and Chief of Naval Staff in April 1958.

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