Colors of India
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Read about information on the longest novel of India

Longest Indian Novel

Longest Indian Novel is Avakasikal, written by MK Menon in Malayalam under the penname "Vilasini". The novel runs into 3,958 pages in four volumes and took ten years to complete. MK Menon spent the best part of his life abroad as a journalist. At an early stage in his literary career he set his mind on writing long novels. MK Menon received Sahitya Akademi Award for Avakasikal in 1981 and Vayalar Award in 1983. Sahitya Akademi is an independent organistion, supported by Government of India, and dedicated to the promotion of literature in the languages of India. Vayalar Award is given for the best literary work in Malayalam. Other famous novels of MK Menon include "Oonjal" and "Agnisaakshi".

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